We host and facilitate groups that we call "Gatherings". The Gatherings are held in apartments, and coffee shops after operating hours. We work with local believers to evangelize and share the love of Christ to unreached people. During the gatherings we share the Gospel and present life changing application. There is also a time spent around a table eating, connecting and building relationships between believers and non-believers. 90% of those who attend a gathering are unreached young adults.
We host and facilitate groups that we call "Gatherings". The Gatherings are held in apartments, and coffee shops after operating hours. We work with local believers to evangelize and share the love of Christ to unreached people. During the gatherings we share the Gospel and present life changing application. There is also a time spent around a table eating, connecting and building relationships between believers and non-believers. 90% of those who attend a gathering are unreached young adults.
Story Time
Another group Ten12 has is what the locals refer to as Story Time "ST". ST groups are open to anyone wanting to learn more about the Bible (known as seekers) or even something as simple as someone wanting to hear a native English speaker speak in English. This opens a door for nonbelievers to hear the Gospel. We share a “story” from the Bible and its translated by local friends who are believers. Once the story is shared to the group members, we then cover 6 key questions: What do you find interesting about this story? What questions do you have about this story? What do you learn about God or Jesus from this story? What do you learn about people from this story? What did you learn about yourself from this story? What might you do differently in your life as a result from hearing this story?
We have found this to be an extremely amazing tool. Nonbelievers here in Southeast Asia just thirst for knowledge and want to learn more. So, it’s intriguing for them to hear about a man (Jesus) they know nothing about. The idea of this tool is once individuals come to this group we have then seen them come to faith over time. Once they come to faith we allow our local friends of the underground fellowships to come in and minister and disciple these new believers. Our local friends then bring the new believers into their fellowships where the new believers are connected and ministered to in a way we cannot because of language and cultural barriers.
Another group Ten12 has is what the locals refer to as Story Time "ST". ST groups are open to anyone wanting to learn more about the Bible (known as seekers) or even something as simple as someone wanting to hear a native English speaker speak in English. This opens a door for nonbelievers to hear the Gospel. We share a “story” from the Bible and its translated by local friends who are believers. Once the story is shared to the group members, we then cover 6 key questions: What do you find interesting about this story? What questions do you have about this story? What do you learn about God or Jesus from this story? What do you learn about people from this story? What did you learn about yourself from this story? What might you do differently in your life as a result from hearing this story?
We have found this to be an extremely amazing tool. Nonbelievers here in Southeast Asia just thirst for knowledge and want to learn more. So, it’s intriguing for them to hear about a man (Jesus) they know nothing about. The idea of this tool is once individuals come to this group we have then seen them come to faith over time. Once they come to faith we allow our local friends of the underground fellowships to come in and minister and disciple these new believers. Our local friends then bring the new believers into their fellowships where the new believers are connected and ministered to in a way we cannot because of language and cultural barriers.